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Della'n'Roll - The Seeker Supremacy {Rock&Blues DJ M!X}

TagLess Music & Sound !s Soul presents:

< { < { < TRASM!SS!ONE D! !SP!RAZ!ONE > } > } >

> } > } > Della'n'Roll - The Seeker Supremacy < { < { <

* Mixed Sounds by LeoDellaRockz (aka Leo Della'role) *

" Deep Sonorous Rock & Blues Trip with a lot of Ramifications/Fusions/Experimentations, unusual Intermezzos/Samples, Natural & Artificial Noises... This Piece Truly Challenges Normality and Shows New 'Tympanal Visions' of making and feeling Diverse Kind of Sounds. Like an audible tale, a musical story, an operatic drama-theater, 'Visible Only For The Ears'... Something like that. "

::: Ghost Track after the RainFall - You Have No Choice But To Listen Everything From Start 2 Finish :::

Released in November 2014


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